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Windows 7 Pre-order

homebasic-windows7Since two days ago i always surf at microsoft store website and spend much time at this web. At other chance i will move to other web to find spesific information. So, what did make me interest to this expensive software company? The answer is Windows 7.

Windows 7 is newest operating system from microsoft that will be released on October 2009. At their web, Microsoft promises windows 7 can makes our PC simpler and easier to use and it will be better than the previous software (Windows XP and Vista).

The other interest thing i was looking for at Microsoft site was about free upgrade program to windows 7. If we bought a new computer with vista pre-installed by the computer manufacture before june 26, 2009, we will get free license to upgrade our system to windows 7.

The price of windows 7 is expensive, for home premium version the price is $199.99 and the higher version must be more cost. So it is a good news for everyone who have OEM vista pre installed at their computer, just contact your computer manufacture to claim your windows 7.

Ok, that is a good news. And the bad news come from windows vista home basic user. This user group is not available for the free upgrade. Why? because just user of Vista premium, business and ultimate get the opportunity to upgrade their operating system for free. One of the unlucky man of this user group is me.

I bought my laptop on June 2009 but the operating system that was installed to it was just vista home basic. So I can’t upgrade it to windows 7 for free.

Oke.. No problem. It isn’t pass my desire to have windows 7. The good news, there is a preorder sell at microsoft store. And windows vista and xp users get big discount if we order it before October 22. This system is called upgrade version. The price of upgrade version is $119.99 for windows 7 home basic and more cost for higher class. I interest to home basic because my laptop is just for personal using not for business.

So.. here i am, at the microsoft store billing form, a page that makes me cry this night.. They don’t accept payment outside USA.. huuhuuhuuuuu.. After days of the days i search information about it and ready to pay the pre-order price, i know i can’t buy this discount price.

I emailed Microsoft support to tell them about it. Maybe I was at the wrong billing page. Ok.. I wait their reply now.

Update: I just got reply from Microsoft :

Unfortunately Microsoft Store is not available in your location at this time. I do apologize for this inconvenience. Additionally, the release date of Windows 7 in Indonesia is not yet known.

We appreciate your interest in Microsoft Store and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  You can see the locations Microsoft Store is available in by clicking the country selection menu at the top of the Microsoft Store main page, next to the Sign in/Sign out option.

Thank you for using the Microsoft Store,


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