Download Your Facebook Profile to Local Computer

socialsafe-facebookIn the month of April ago my facebook account was banned from Facebook. After email twice, i was noticed that their decision was final and my account was permanently disabled.

I was very frustrate because i have uploaded many photos and videos at there and i can’t find how to get it back to me.  Before it was happen, i think facebook is a safe place to back up my photos. I always uploaded all my new photos to facebook and never made a back up. It was a tragedy because facebook didn’t want to restore my account.

Today i read a posting from mashable blog that there is a web with great application can download all files at our facebook profile to local computer. So i think it is a good idea to back up our profile now to prevent something unexpected in the future.

The web is socialsafe. With socialsafe you can download your photo albums,  photos you are tagged in, your friends and your profile. You can safe your facebook profile by download all your data to your computer. After download it, you can browse it at locally your computer.

Socialsafe is not a free application. To use their service you must pay $2.99. This is a cheap payment for great service.

SocialSafe Intro Video from Pascal Wheeler on Vimeo.

Oke, i want to purchase it but i got problem in their form order. My country is not in their country list. They don’t accept purchasing from Indonesia. O my god. Indonesia still at risk country? No, they are using paypal as payment and Paypal accept member from Indonesia. So why Socialsafe doesn’t accept Indonesian????

Pindah Server Dapat $50 Facebook Coupon Code

Minggu ini saya disibukkan oleh beberapa hal menyangkut server hosting. Dimulai dari kenekatan saya membeli paket reseller hosting di Hostgator sampai perpindahan web konsxxxx ke Godaddy.

Saya bukan orang baru di Godaddy, sekitar tahun 2007 yang lalu saya adalah customer mereka. Dan sampai hari ini ada kurang lebih 8 domain milik saya yang tersimpan di dalam database mereka.

Server untuk control panel hosting Godaddy beda dari yang lain. Kalau di tempat lain biasanya paling umum menggunakan Cpanel, di Godaddy tidak. Sepertinya mereka memiliki software panel tersendiri. Hal ini tentu membingungkan customer yang biasa menggunakan cpanel seperti saya.

Mengapa saya menjatuhkan pilihan sewa hosting ke Godaddy? Tidak lain dan tidak bukan karena adanya Credit Ad dari Adsense, Microsoft dan Facebook. Di total-total jumlahnya mencapai $90. Namun ternyata, karena saya member lama, maka Credit Ad dari Adsense dan Microsoft tidak saya peroleh. Tapi lumayanlah, dengan sewa hosting $6.99 di tambah beli satu domain $1.99 saya mendapatkan Credit Ad sebesar $50 dari facebook.

Rencanaku, bulan depan hosting ini akan kembali saya pindahkan ke Hostgator. Ngapain sewa kalo punya Hosting Reseller sendiri 😀