in Jurnal harian

At Cummarecon Serpong Mall

Last night I went to Cummarecon Mall at Serpong with Bobby’s family (Diba, Uchan, Nunu, Naswa and Nayla).

Cummarecon Mall is as 18 km from Perumnas Karawaci, place i leave. Using mr Bobby’s car and Ucank as driver we went to Cummarecon at 7 o’clock.

At Cummarecon Mall we eat korean food, I forget the food’s name but it’s delicious. I cook the beef and salmon at my table.

After ate some food I saw shisha service and interested to try it. So the shisha came to my table and like a king of Arab I smoke from shisha 🙂

Ingin berteman atau menghubungi saya langsung? Follow me di twitter @ansharas

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